Tanaka automatic Sulphur Analysers -EDXRF (ASTM D4294)

rx-630sa edxrf sulfer analyzer

rx-630SA determines total sulfur in petroleum products, such as gas oil, fuel oil, crude oil and naphtha, using energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence(EDXRF) method, which is an accurate, non-destructive, economical and yet quick method prescribed in ISO 8754 and ASTM D4294-03.

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EDXRF Sulfur Meter RX-360SH

Model RX-360SH is a single test version of X-ray sulfur meter taking the same measuring principle as that of RX-620SA. Compact housing with a carrying handle and 2-way power source (100-240VAC or 12VDC battery) allows such applications as spot-checking in the field. The only consumable are small piece of Mylar film and printing paper, making the running cost at minimal.

[button size=”medium” target=”_blank” hover_type=”default” text_align=”center” text=”VIEW MORE” link=”http://www.tanaka-sci.com/en/products/pdf/rx-360sh.pdf”]