Automatic Apparatus for Filterability of Hydraulic Fluids (AFNOR)

Lawler Automatic Hydraulic Oil Filterability Apparatus, Windows PC Controlled, available in 1 or 4 sample positions fully automated analyzer conforming to AFNOR NEF E48-690, NF E48-691, IP 448 and ISO 13357test methods.

The test position is independently controlled by a Windows PC. The proprietary software records the applied pressure, the first fluid drop collected, the level of fluid collected over time, and the temperature of the filtered sample. Data is stored upto capacity of the hard drive and may be retrieved for spread sheet analysis, or downloaded to a LIMS.

Each position has a metal pressure container (ID 35 mm and 500 mL volume) with a screw on pressure cap and equipped with a 47 mm filter support. It can be easily disassembled for quick cleaning.

The first drop of the filtered sample is electronically detected and the level of the collected filtrate is recorded. In addition to detecting the first drop filtrate, a non-contact detector measures the filtered fluid level at 50mL, 100mL, 200mL and 300mL.Dim.: 14x11x35 inches

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