Cosmo Automatic Asphaltene Analyzer

The Automated Asphaltene Analyzer is a versatile instrument designed for the accurate and efficient analysis of asphaltenes and their interactions with other components in crude oil and related materials. It is a reliable and efficient tool for characterizing asphaltenes and understanding their behavior in complex systems.


Key Features


  • Versatility: Characterizes asphaltene stability, compatibility, and colloidal properties in various materials, including crude oil, asphalt, and aged asphalt.
  • Precision: Employs a highly sensitive optical sensor with a broad-band light source, overcoming limitations of traditional laser systems.
  • Compatibility: Offers compatibility with ASTM D6703 for Heithaus Titrimetry, ensuring industry-standard results.
  • Flexibility: Includes options for a titration pump, heating/cooling thermostats, and probes for high-temperature and high-pressure applications.
  • Efficiency: Provides automated operation for streamlined workflows and reduced manual labor.


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